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Courses and Achievements

Course Management Made Easy

Manage everything, including membership, class booking and billing using our easy to use Course Management Software Module

Elite Courses and Achievements is an integral module for managing curriculum based sporting activities and classes such as those in a swim school or in a centre offering training courses.

The module tracks participation, and enables customers to track their personal advancement in the proficiencies needed to achieve stage aims whilst empowering businesses to administer the participants billing and attendance register.

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Elite Courses and Achievements

Manage Customer Participation

Your customer’s track their participation in the courses that you run, including their payments.

  • Recording Governing Body Lead Qualifications
  • Tracking National Body Coaching Awards
  • Monitoring Continual Personal Development

Track and Record the Achievements of Your Customers

Schedule the most efficient use of your physical and human resources to meet the demands of your customers.

  • Promote participation in Sports & Activity Courses
  • Manage Individual Lessons – Attendees, Billing & Progression
  • Schedule resources, both physical and human


  • Quick Registration
  • Profile inc document storage
  • Billing – Frequency & Payment Methods
  • Achievement & Progress Monitor
  • Simple Registration for Online Services
  • Attendance Chronicle


  • Class / Course / Staff Scheduling
  • Automatic transfer from register to class/course
  • Waiting List Administration
  • Class/Course Register


  • Straightforward Customer Registration & Account Query
  • Customer Account Top-Up
  • Straightforward transfer to alternative class / course
  • Rapid Check-In via PoS or instructor handheld
  • Update progress of current level – via PoS or instructor handheld.
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